Work has progressed well during the last month. The old boiler room has been thoroughly cleaned of asbestos, brick cleaning is progressing, internal scaffolding has been erected at the eastern end of the church and samples of the proposed new lighting have been temporarily installed for assessment purposes.
Demolition on the north side of the church is complete down to ground level, and the remaining slab will be left in place for now to serve as a hardstanding.
The necessary licence has been received to allow work on the layby to commence shortly. Over the next month a new internal limecrete slab will be laid (as part of the underfloor heating works), brick cleaning and other remedial works will continue, and further internal scaffolding will be erected.
Work on the Rose Window is progressing well, and initial design ideas have been reviewed by the PCC. Many decisions are still to be made, followed by a lengthy approval process.
The brass wall plaques have been successfully cleaned and are now being stored ahead of their eventual reinstatement in the church.