Roofing works have generally progressed well in the last month, with tiling to the main roof and side aisles approaching completion and guttering being prepared for installation. There has been a delay to the chancel roof due to necessary design changes to the internal plant room (which is in the location of the old priest’s vestry). As sections of the roof are completed, work will start on removing the scaffolding – an important milestone as the rebuilt church will gradually be revealed for all to see.
Internally, brick remedial work is progressing well though some further brick repairs have been identified in the area of the Rose Window. Restoration work on the Holy, Holy, Holy mural is in progress and other internal decorations and electrical works are well advanced.
There has been a delay to the start of the West Porch works due to the redesign necessitated by the discovery of shallow graves and, now, by lengthy delivery times on some of the required materials.
The external groundworks in front of the FPCC are largely complete, with the FPCC entrance footpath now re-opened and further areas to be released once the newly seeded grass is established.