The rebuilding Group and PCC are determined to rebuild All Saints as we believe God has inspired us to do – to the honour him and serve his people for generations to come.

A preliminary planning response from Hart District Council is still awaited, but expected any day.

We will be officially launching our fundraising campaign on 31st October & 1st November – the Feast of All Saints. Please be sure to be around on that weekend. We believe that unless we put as much effort into praying the project as we do into working for it, the project will not succeed. Therefore we are asking everyone to use the prayer below, daily, in their own prayers and with others.

A Prayer for the Rebuilding of All Saints Church

Heavenly father, we want to rebuild our church in such a way that it will honour you and serve our community, yet we know that unless YOU are the builder we labour in vain.
Therefore, we place this project into YOUR hands.
May we build upon the foundations of your will and purpose for us.
May we work together to achieve something lovely for you.
May all obstacles be swept away on a tide of your grace.
May the money, resources, good will and wise counsel, that we need to complete the task be released to us in abundance.
Finally, keep us steadfast in our determination, and firm in our faith, especially when we are discouraged or distracted.
All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ – Craftsman, Saviour and Lord. Amen.