A new Church Electoral Roll is being prepared during the period 13th March 2025 to 26th March 2025. Forms must be in by 23rd March at the latest.
This is a completely new roll so every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, needs to complete a form which can be found:
- in the narthex at P&J,
- in the Fleet Parish Community Centre (FPCC), or
- it can be downloaded and either filled in electronically or printed and filled in by hand.
Once complete, please either:
- put the form in one of the boxes provided at P&J or FPCC,
- give it to Tina Hayton – the Electoral Roll Officer,
- hand it in to the parish office, or
- email to office@parishoffleet.org.uk.
Forms must be in by 23rd March at the latest.
Thank you!
TINA HAYTON – Parish of Fleet Electoral Roll Officer