Health and Safety
The Parish of Fleet Health and Safety Policy, revised and approved by the PCC in January 2025, is available here….
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) delegates day-to-day Health and Safety implementation and review via the Churchwardens to the All Saints Fabric and Management Group and the P&J Fabric and Management Group, chaired by the Churchwardens. The scope of these two groups is described below.
All Saints Fabric and Management Group
The group is chaired by one of the Churchwardens and meets monthly. Its scope includes All Saints Church, Fleet Parish Community Centre (FPCC) and the surrounding premises including the graveyard and car park.
Separate Health and Safety Risk Assessments have been prepared and approved by the PCC for the All Saints Church and FPCC.
A Fire Risk Assessment has also been prepared and approved.
P&J Fabric and Management Group
The group is chaired by one of the Churchwardens and meets bi-monthly. Its scope includes Ss Philip and James Church and hall and the surrounding premises including the car park, and entrance and exit drives.
Health and Safety risk assessments have been prepared and approved by the PCC for the church and the hall.
A Fire Risk Assessment has also been prepared but is currently being revised.
P&J Fire Escape Plan