Children’s Worship at All Saints and

Ss Philip & James Churches

Baby Saints

Baby Saints meets from 10 am to 12 noon on Wednesdays in term-time, up at Fleet Parish Community Centre (next to All Saints). This is a baby and toddler service with refreshments, toys, craft, a story, some simple prayers and singing.

Junior Church & Godly Play

Junior Church meets as part of the 10am service at All Saints Church on the 1st Sunday of the month and at Ss Philip & James Church on the 4th Sunday.  Children (aged approximately 3 to 12 years old) gather at the start of the service in the crèche area and are then led through into the church hall for a Godly Play session.

Registration forms need to be completed for all children who attend Junior Church on a regular basis, whether old or new. For an electronic copy of the registration form please email the Parish Office. If you would prefer a paper copy, these will be available from the Junior Church leaders at each session, so please ask.

Family Worship

Family Worship is at 10.00 at Ss Philip & James Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month and is particularly suited to parents/carers and school-aged children under 13. We find creative ways to engage with Bible stories through a variety of media – e.g. drama, Lego, toy figures. There is usually a craft, some interactive prayer and singing.